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Malawi update

At the end of the summer term, Year 2 children and Rights Ambassadors proudly presented Fiona, from Hooke Court their sponsorship money and cards for the children of Mkundi School. As part of our partnership, the children in Year Two raised over £1200 during their sponsored fun run.

Over the Summer, volunteers from Hooke Court visited Mkundi school and have been in contact to say that the Headteacher was overwhelmed by the support from all at Rydon.

With the money raised they have been able to buy basic materials such as exercise books, pens, chalk, glue etc... They have also been able to put money back into the local community as they are now able to pay a local carpenter to repair 116 desks!

The Mkundi school children have written letters in reply which we are looking forward to sharing with the children soon.

A huge thank you again for of your incredibly kind donations.

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