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Sport News


That word sums up Rydon’s sport this term. The continuation of clubs and sports fixtures has yielded so many opportunities and results. The Dance Club enjoyed a dance festival in Exeter where they showcased their routine completely unassisted. Handball tournaments took place and we were lucky enough to place 2nd and 3rd respectively. Football tournaments – the boys Year 3/4 team qualified for the cup alongside the Year 5/6 team. And finally, Rydon’s netball team were semi-finalists at the county championships! They are officially one of the top 4 best teams in Devon!

It was also great to see how successful Active Rydon Day was for the pupils. The feedback from Rich Parker was extremely positive and the general enthusiasm, brought by all, made the day an incredible success. We are so grateful for the fundraising everyone has done for this event and will benefit sport at our school. Thank you.

We look forward to next term; cricket club, cricket festivals, more football tournaments, KS1 football club, athletics festivals, competitions and much more!

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