The Week Ahead
24.02.25 to 28.02.25
PE DAY - YR 1, 2 & 6
Back to school
Parents evening booking system opens at 10am
​​​​​​​​Yr 4, 5 & 6 Girls' Football Club - 3.15pm to 4.15pm
PE DAY - EYFS, YR 3, 5 & 6​
​2W Outdoor learning
PE DAY - YR 2, 4 & 5B
1F Outdoor learning​​​
PE DAY - YR 1 & 4​
​RC Outdoor learning​
​Rydon v Kingsteignton football match 4.45pm pick up
​​​​​​Saints South West - Yr 3 & 4 football 3.15pm to 4.15pm​​​
PE DAY - YR 3 & 5W​
​​​​Saints South West - Yr 1 & 2 football 3.15pm to 4.15pm
*All clubs that take place after school will not run the first and last week of each half term unless otherwise stated.
Important dates ahead (subject to change)
24.02.25 Back to school
03.0.25 Girl's football session cancelled
04.03.25 Parents' evening 3.35pm (more details to follow)
06.03.25 World Book Day - Dress up day
Parents evening 3.35pm (more details to follow)
11.03.25 Yr 6 Cinema trip
KS2 Choir club resumes
14.03.25 Class photos
21.03.25 Non-pupil day
25.03.25 Yr 4 Experiencing Easter (St Michaels' Church)
04.04.25 Last day of term
22.04.25 Back to school
23.04.25 Yr 3 swimming sessions begin
05.05.25 Bank Holiday
12.05.25 Yr 6 SATs week
19.05.25 Yr 4 Residential to Wildside
Yr 6 swimming sessions start
23.05.25 Last day of half term
02.06.25 Back to school
18.06.25 Yr 6 Residential
18.07.25 Last day of term