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Spring 1 Newsletter
REMINDER - PRIMARY TO SECONDARY TRANSFER 2025 (Year 6 pupils moving into Year 7)
If you have not already applied for your child’s Year 7 secondary school place for September 2025, please make your application to Devon...

Malawi update
At the end of the summer term, Year 2 children and Rights Ambassadors proudly presented Fiona, from Hooke Court their sponsorship money...
Rydon Primary School children outperform national averages in Reading, Writing, Maths and in Punctuation and Grammar Staff and pupils at...

Year 2 11 by 11 - Activities afternoon
Wow! What an exciting afternoon Year 2 had. It was full of fun, enjoyment, teamwork and friendship. The afternoon consisted of different...

Careers focus for Year 3
As part of our ‘Eleven by Eleven’ careers focus for the Summer term, the children in Year 3 had a visit from Rob, a former Air Ambulance...

Year 3 Outdoor learning
Year 3 took their learning outside and in one morning covered many different areas of the Curriculum. They made shadow puppets, hunted...

Cross Country
Proud! Smiles on faces even after a long-distance race in the sweltering sun! A group of Rydon children competed in the Year 3/4 event...

Newsletter 1 2024

Year 3 'Great Egyptian Bake Off'
As part of the 'Great Egyptian Bake Off' for our Design and Technology unit, the children in Year Three have had a fantastic time...

Outdoor learning 1F
1F have been enjoying their outdoor learning sessions this half term. Last week, we embarked on a scavenger hunt to identify plants and...

Year 3 Workshop
This week, as part of our eleven by eleven 'environmental' focus the children in Year 3 have learnt about the importance of recycling...

Year 2 Fire Safety Talk
The Year 2 children were extremely lucky to have a visit from Devon and Cornwall Fire    services. What great fun! James showed the...

Rydon Partnership with Mkundi School in Malawi
The children in Key Stage 2 were visited by Fiona and Sarah from Hooke Court, as part of our exciting new partnership with a school in...

Climate Change Workshop
This half term, Cornwall Climate Care visited Rydon and ran a workshop with the Year 6 children. The children learned about the effects...

Future Selves!
This half term the children in RC and RW have been learning about 'people that help us.' The children were very keen to talk about what...
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